12 Years, 12 Lessons: Insights from Founding & Leading an International Arts Organization

I’ve been reflecting on over a decade of leading the Eiva Arts Foundation and managing more than 70 international projects in arts, culture, education, and technology, and I felt compelled to share the key lessons that have shaped my journey.

Since it has been 12 years, here are 12 impactful insights that can guide anyone in the realm of social entrepreneurship:

Insight N1: Design projects with scalability in mind, start small and build on an already established foundation; it’s going to make your life easier not only in terms of attracting funds but also in amplifying the outreach and the impact.

Insight N2: (That being said,) be open to be experimental with some of your projects. Treat them as prototypes to potentially build on or simply bring versatility into your organization’s flow. These kinds of projects are fun and keep the pulse of the organization pumping.

Insight N3: Create systems that allow projects to thrive independently. Invest time in establishing continuity and a self-sustaining framework – they will add value over time.

Insight N4: Make decisions quickly, not impulsively. Quick decision-making, especially in the early stages, will provide you with valuable insights and direction, as well as a better understanding of your own do’s and don’ts.

Insight N5: Cultivate genuine relationships. Treat every connection as a valuable relationship rather than just a transactional networking opportunity. You’ll discover that you work more effectively and productively with people you genuinely like, respect or feel inspired by.

Insight N6: Focus on your unique value. If you can’t find the niche to fit in, become the niche and forget about the competition or what everyone else is doing. Identify what makes your organisation special and fully embrace it.

Insight N7: Hire for passion, but reward for continuous effort. Build teams and surround yourself with individuals who are deeply committed to the mission and consistently show dedicated effort in bringing it to life. Celebrate them loudly and proudly.

Insight N8: Be direct in your communication, and never rude. People often confuse rudeness for straightforwardness. When conflict arises, talk things over immediately, and resolve misunderstandings quickly. Don’t allow negativity, in any shape or form, to pile up.

Insight N9: Say “No” more often than you do! The best way to say “No” more often is to know what say “Yes” to. Know your priorities; otherwise, every ‘what if’ will appear to be an exciting opportunity, but in reality, it will distract you from your main goals.

Insight N10: Stay the course – persistence is crucial. The most reliable path to growth and success is to keep pushing forward, even when it feels like nothing is working out. As someone who has led an arts foundation, trust me—I know what I’m talking about.

Insight N11: Keep in mind that good enough never is, and your best business-card is the work you do. It doesn’t matter how much you invest in marketing and outreach; the quality of your ideas and your work will always speak louder and reach further– and you’ll find that it’s also cost-effective.

Insight N12: Interact with your partners, sponsors, and community in wider formats than just asking and receiving. Just because you do amazing work doesn’t mean that your community will always be happy to fund it benevolently. Be inclusive in your projects, listen to the community, and ensure that you bring other forms of value to them beyond the good cause they are involved in.

Bonus: Make a lot of mistakes and know that if you don’t, you are either playing too safe or not doing anything new.

The journey of leading an international arts organization is as much about personal growth as it is about impact. As you embark on your own path—whether in the arts or any other field—embrace the challenges and opportunities ahead. Be open to experimentation, cultivate meaningful relationships, and let your unique vision guide you along the way.

Here’s to the next chapter of creativity, collaboration, and impact!
